Coble, E » Posts


Weekly summary 1/12

The first week of summaries was a huge success! I couldn't pick just one, but these were some of my favorites that really captured the week. Due to confidentiality, only initials are used. If your child's isn't on here, take a look at their google classroom to see what they said.
This week I learned in Reading about the meaning of metaphor, simile, rhyme, and meter. The most challenging thing that happened on Reading was finding the meter, I didn't really know how to find the meter. My favorite part on Reading was when we had make a simile and a metaphor. A rhyme has the same ending sound, a simile compares two things using like or as, a metaphor compares two unlike things, and finally a meter is the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.
On Math I learned what an improper fraction, common fraction, and a mixed number. The definition of mixed number is when it has a whole number and a fraction, a common fraction is just a denominator and a numerator, and an improper fraction is when the numerator is bigger than the denominator. We also learned 3 strategies, the 1st one is the Subtraction Method, the 2nd one is the Multiple Method, and the third one is the Division Method. My favorite part on Math was when I got to learn the Subtraction Method.
On Science I learned about a woman that is named Rachel Carson and she wanted to know that there is danger in Earth's ecosystem and the danger were a spray called pesticides. On Social Studies I learned that on January 18, 1778 Captain James Cook came upon the Hawaiian Islands that he actually called the Sandwich Islands. My favorite part was when we had a debate on if Captain Cook is the bad guy or the Hawaiians are the bad guys. I say the Hawaiians are the bad guys because Captain Cook was familiar of the Hawaiians language and I know the Hawaiians gave him gifts but Captain Cook was familiar of their language not he knew how to speak it, he didn't know how to say thank you. -GG
We learned about mixed numbers in fraction form.And we learned about haiku poems and i loved how it rhymes with the words.Another thing we learned was about someone who was starting a war with the Hawaiians.Also i guess the Hawaiians and captin cooks team was both bad guys.We also learned about why captin cook and the Hawaiians were fighting because the Hawaiians stole something from captin cook.So captin cook started the war because he shot one of the Hawaiians.
We did math which was about fraction and addition and number lines.We also did social studies that was about captin cook and the Hawaiians.And one of the most favorite subject in school was ELA reading.So we did ELA reading which was about the haiku poems and i learned a lot from that.And i like Writting the story's because i liked rhyming the words into a story.We also did Positve action in our new journal.
My favorite part was about us learning about the poems.And my other favorite part was the math because it was new to add the fraction and the numbers.However i liked all the stuff that we did this week with Mrs.coble i hoped i learned a lot and i can make sure i can keep these stuff in my mind.So i can keep on learning new stuff and i want to be perseverance.
Mostly nothing was challenging expect the fraction's because at first i never understand adding the fractions.However everthing was mostly easy for me and i hope the fraction's can get harder for me to learn.So i hope i can learn new fraction and hope get better at poems and the fractions. -KH
We learned about the god Lono way back he was a god that the Hawaiians would do any thing that he wanted.We did a project on a scientist and learn about him or her with a group of people on a big peace of paper.My favorite part of this week was that we read a Hawaiian story about a real god.I cant believe that captain cook shot someone and the Hawaiians stole a bot.The challenging part of this week was when i was learning new fractions and it was really hard at first but i kind of get it now and if i still don't get it i will not give up. -GI
This week we learned about are vocabulary words. Also in ELA we did rhymes, metaphors, similes, meter, and a little bit of haiku poems. In math we did mixed numbers. It was super hard in the beginning but I ALMOST mastered it. Now mixed numbers are fun. On Monday we had Hawaiian studies i learned about the Hawaiian gods. Also on Monday we learned about three scientists Edward o Wilson, Tyrone B Hayes, and Rachel Carson. We also learned what perseverance means. On Thursday we did social studies, we were debating on who was the bad guy the Hawaiians or Captain Cook. I personally think Captain Cook was the bad guy. This week was very interesting we had a fire drill during writing on Tuesday I learned about mixed numbers and a lot of other things. My favorite part was mixed numbers because i went from not knowing what they were to understanding them. Also the most challenging part was mixed numbers because when i didn't get it all i did was sit in my chair bored the heck out. In conclusion I had so much fun during this week I learned so much. -AF
This week we learned many things. On Monday Mrs. Coble introduced a welsh proverb that said, " Adversity brings knowledge, and knowledge [brings] wisdom." We also learned what a rhyme is. A rhyme is if words have the same sound at the end of them { Sorry, I cannot think of the right way to say that}. A metaphor compares two UNLIKE things. A meter is the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables. A simile is basically a metaphor using like or as. An example of a simile would be, "He was as slow as a sloth." My favorite thing that I learned this week is a simile.
I also learned that outstretched means stretched to full length. Brittle means easily broken/fragile. Descriptive means describes or tells about something. Creative means able to do something in a new way. In math I learned about mixed numbers. The most challenging thing to me this week was not mixed numbers, but turning mixed numbers into common fractions. But now I've got it!
In social studies I learned about captain James Cook. He didn't mean to find Hawaii. He got to Hawaii on the ships Resolution and Hawaii. The Hawaiians thought he was the god Lono. When Cook went on shore people would bow to him and follow him. People would bring him gifts, but he never gave them anything back. One day, Cook's sailors shot a Hawaiian man who was taking a few metal tools. Then there was a fight on the beach. The ali'i nui Palea was struck on the head with an oar. The following day, a boat was missing. This started a fight. 4 sailors and many Hawaiians were killed that day. I learned that both parties was bad. So they were both bad guys. In my opinion I think captain James Cook was the bad guy. I think Cook is bad because he shot a Hawaiian for stealing. He could have said " Hey, why are you stealing! You have to ask for permission to take my belongings! " instead of shooting him. Also, he didn't give anything back to the Hawaiians.
This is what I did this week! Hopefully next week will be better! Even though I had an awesome time this week.-KH
We learn about math was awesome because math was the best and we did fraction and mixed number. and we learn about science was awesome because we did a project and it was kind of hard and I have to keep trying. THE END -RR

The students are working hard on our new routine: weekly summaries! They will be writing a summary of the week including what we did, learned, etc. Be on the lookout for your child's work!
We are working on our 5 paragraph opinion essays. Here is a model of the first two paragraphs.


As promised, I have some fun channels for you. Keep checking back to this post to see if I add any more. Most of these are science or general knowledge based, but I promise, there are no videos of kids playing with toys! Of course, always be vigilant with your students online, and feel free to preview these to make sure they are good for your families.
Mathew Santoro

Our genius hour projects are coming along! Remember, your student has until winter break to finish at least one project. Everyone is studying something different, and presenting it in various ways! Here we have a poster about Angkor Wat. This should be fun!
Today we learned about "How to Become a YouTube Star" with Scholastic Magazine while practicing our nonfiction reading skills.  I know, YouTube can be amazing or it can be horrible… Stay tuned for my next post that may have some suggestions for some good, educational YouTube channels. If you can't stop them from being on it, at least give them something good to watch!
In our class, we learn from each other! We also strengthen our understanding by teaching each other.


 I know, last one tonight, I promise!  
In addition to this, which may be mostly pictures, I will also be using the app/website Remind. It's easier for me to use, and can work as easy two way communication! (Think texting, but I'm not giving out my personal cell phone)  See the page in the Thursday Envelope, or ho here to sign up: 

 Reminder! Pictures on Tuesday! Luckily we get to take pictures before recess, so the kids won't be all sweaty for their photos.


 Aloha and Welcome to my blog! I must admit, I am terrible at updating this, but I will try my best. I have an idea that may help me! 
In addition to this, I am also using This will have more frequent updates, as well as as a conduit for two way communication. Please see the paper in the Thursday Envelope on 8/17 for how to sign up.
Let's have a fantastic year with these awesome kids!