Coble, E » Classroom Management Plan

Classroom Management Plan

There are 5 very simple and inclusive rules:
1. Follow directions quickly.
2. Raise your hand for permission to speak.
3. Raise you hand for permission to leave your seat.
4. Make smart choices.
5 Keep your dear teacher happy. 
My students will strive to achieve the General Learner Outcomes in this class (These are on their report cards as well):
1. Be a Self-Directed Learner
2. Be a community contributor.
3. Be a complex thinker.
4. Be a Quality Producer.
5. Be an Effective Communicator.
6. Be an ethical and Effective user of Technology. 
To achieve this, my students will follow our 3 Personal Standards:
1. Show Respect.
2. Solve Problems
3. Make Good Decisions