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Aloha and welcome to E-103! I am so excited to be here at Waikoloa School. More importantly, I am so LUCKY to be your child’s 1st-grade teacher! It’s going to be a fun year full of learning and new adventures. I cannot wait to see what the year has in store for us. Please download the ParentSquare app to ensure you won't miss out on the excitement and latest events in E-103!

Ms. Barsetti


STAR Reading Test

Our STAR Reading test is tomorrow, December 9th. Please make sure your children go to bed early tonight, eat a healthy breakfast in the morning, and get to school on time. Mahalo for your continued support!
Our STAR Math test will be on the following Wednesday, December 16th.

In our Positive Action lesson, the students were "seeing red"! We discussed positive actions to take when we are in this state. Ask your child to name a few! 
After reading several passages about the Pilgrims and the Wampanoags, the students drew corn using paint and oil pastels.
Happy Thanksgiving! 
~Ms. Barsetti 
This week's Reading Wonders concept was "Look at the Sky" and we focused on the following essential question: What can we see in the sky? Students used the Internet to gather, evaluate, and use information on a specific phase of the moon to create an informational poster. I love that students have the opportunity to use technology as an integral part of our curriculum! 


Tomorrow, November 16th, is our off campus evacuation drill. Please be on time and send your child in sneakers. 
Ms. Barsetti

Students had an opportunity to work with their reading groups to complete a science experiment related to our Reading Wonders weekly theme. Ask your children about what they learned about friction. 

Reading Wonders

This week in our reading curriculum we are practicing a reader's theater titled The Secret Song, doing a genre study on folktales, and writing about an animal we are researching during our laptop cart time! Ask your child which animal he/she is researching. On Friday, the students will take the Unit 2 assessment.

This morning the students read a nonfiction text, Hospital for Bats, and practiced marking the text. Later, we read a passage on the history of Halloween. Both were an interesting read and can be found in their binders! At the end of the day, we ate cookies and candy while watching a short Halloween movie. Mahalo to the families who sent treats! Check out the Halloween album for more pictures.
~Have a safe and fun Halloween! 
To celebrate Halloween, we learned about the human skeleton and sang the song "Dem Bones". Ask your child about something he or she learned! 
Tomorrow we will have a short and simple party due to our tight schedule at the end of the day. Students may wear appropriate costumes; however, toy weapons and masks are not allowed in school. 

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Aloha families! Please check your child's Thursday envelope for his or her conference sheet. If you cannot make the scheduled conference time or date, please contact me right away to reschedule. It is my expectation that all families attend.
Mahalo for your support,
Ms. Barsetti