Blackburn, B » Posts


We had a lot of fun exploring castles.  This is Urquhart Castle on the shore of Loch Ness.

Here is my son Brodie running around the grounds at Brodie Castle.  How many toddlers get their own castle???

A couple weeks ago I was discussing "Needs" and "Wants" with the class.  I was going around the room and having students take turns sharing an example of needs, and then of wants.  The students were doing a great job giving lots of good examples of each. For example, we need things like food, water, shelter etc. We might want things like tv's, nice cars, toys etc. It was one of my students turns to share an example of a "Want" and he said something like this: "Hair, like Mr. Blackburn might want hair".  Immediately a few other students chimed in and agreed that, yes, Mr. Blackburn might really want hair, but he doesn't need it.  It's not something he has to have.  

Well, I couldn't really argue with that.

Haha I love my First Graders!!! 

So for the record, the above picture is just to prove that there was a time when Mr. Blackburn had plenty of hair.  (Right before I started teaching...just kidding;)

3rd quarter grade reports went home in brown manilla envelopes yesterday. Please remove all contents from the envelope to keep at home.  Then, sign the envelope for 3rd quarter and return it school with your child. Mahalo!

Spring pictures went home last week. Please remember that you need to select which pictures from the packet you want to keep and purchase.  You can fill out the form and return the purchase money to school, or you can pay by going to the lifetouch website. Any pictures not wanted, need to be returned as soon as possible.

Your child should be bringing home this behavior chart, filled out for each day he/she was at school, home every Friday for you to review and discuss together. Please sign the bottom and return to school the following Monday. If your child is not bringing this home every Friday, please make sure they start doing so.  This is an important piece of our classroom behavior plan.  Thankyou for your support!

Big mahalo to Hawaii Family Dental and the Keck Observatory!

We had an exciting week in room E-104 with special guests coming to our classroom from Keck Observatory and Hawaii Family Dental in Waikoloa. Students were able to learn more about our solar system from a genuine expert astronomer on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday 4 dental professionals came to discuss and show the kids some good dental hygiene practices. The students really enjoyed these special visits. It was great having some members of our island community take some time to share their expertise with our students. Check below for a few pictures of the second visit.

100 days of learning!

We have had an exciting week in room E-104! On Wednesday we celebrated our 100th day of school. Less than a week before I challenged our class to try and read a combined 100 books at home as a class. They not only met this goal, they also beat the record of 182 books that my class last year set.  In just under one week our class read an incredible 235 books! Wow! I was so impressed with their enthusiasm and determination. I'm so proud of them. Way to go first graders! Check below for a few pictures.