Blackburn, B » Posts


Here is our language arts focus for the week. Students should be practicing the spelling words all week in preparation for the spelling test on Friday.

This was sent home in the homework tablet today.  Here it is again incase you missed it. This shows some things we are focusing on in language arts this week. Please help your child by reviewing this throughout the week.

This could be a good event for anyone that has younger children and are unsure about the proper use of child car seats.  Also please pass this event information on to any new or expectant parents you may know in the community.

Homework went home today.  Just incase any first graders forgot to show you, here is a copy of our homework menu. Homework will be going home Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please look for and ask to see your child's homework tablet each of these days. The homework tablet should be returned to school the very next day. Thank you for supporting your child's learning.

School Closure Thursday and Friday 8-7-14 and 8-8-14.

I hope everyone got the message the school phoned out about the school closure due to the approaching hurricane.  Just incase you haven't heard, school is indeed cancelled tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday.  Check for news updates this weekend as there could be potential for Monday being cancelled as well (as of right now, there IS school on Monday).  Hopefully our mountains will break this storm apart.  Be safe out there!

We survived the first day of first grade!!! It was a great day! I really think I have a great group of kids in my class. Parents did a good job helping the students with supplies and getting settled in this morning. Thank you! I attached a few documents below incase anyone misses or loses my packet that was in Thursday envelope. Please return Thursday envelopes along with applicable forms, completed and signed, back to school tomorrow. Thanks for all you do! Let's make it a great year!

So long summer, hello 2014/2015 school year!

Thank you for visiting my blog, and welcome to the new school year!  Since school hasn't actually started yet, I figured my first blog post for the new school year could be about my summer.  Summer flew by, but I had lots of fun.  While on the island we spent lots of time on the beach and paddling on the water.  I got lots of yard work done and watched in amazement as my son grew up right before my eyes.  We also were able to take some trips.  We visited Oregon and were able to visit some of my family and some of my wife's family.  Then we heard that Scotland had a castle named Brodie castle.  Since our son is named Brodie, we figured we better go check it out (also I've always wanted to visit Scotland).  My wife Lydia, our son Brodie, and myself just returned a week ago from a super fun trip to Scotland.  Brodie was a trooper and a great traveler!  We had an amazing time, but are always very thankful to come home to our beautiful island.  I posted several pictures below this that you are welcome to check out.  Let's make it a great school year!!!

Getting to this castle took a train ride, bus ride, and a little hitchhiking.  We also rented a car for part of the trip.  Driving on the left side of the road was not very comfortable haha.

Castles were one of my favorite parts of Scotland.  I loved learning more about the history of these strongholds.  These ruins are what's left of Tantallon Castle on the cliffs of Scotland's east coast (by the way, their water is much colder than ours haha).  It was built nearly 700 yrs ago and has survived several siege attempts.