Some Updates

Aloha Amazing families of my amazing students!
I'm just clarifying and informing of a few things:
The first: Your student may have mentioned that I do Student Led Conferences at the end of the year. Normally, I do. However, this year, I just do not have the time. Your students are still writing what they would have said to you, so be on the lookout for a "Summary of 4th Grade, " "What I've grown the most in," and "What I still need to work on."
Which brings me to my second thing: I am going to be out of the classroom starting on May 9th, and back on May 20th. I'm out because I am going to New Hampshire to attend Graduation for my Master's Degree (Finally!!!)! I am extremely excited, though I am bummed that I'm missing so much time with your kiddos.
The substitute will be Ms. Needler. She is incredible, and is a trained, licensed teacher, and probably better than I am! If you have any questions, feel free to call me, e-mail me, or send me a note.