Weekly Summary, 3/9/18

Well, they did their summaries on Monday, March 12, as we were too busy having a blast at our field trip to Pu'uwa'awa'a. It seems many of the students forgot a lot of what they did during the rest of the week, but at least they learned a lot on the venture!!
This last week was very very weird. Monday was actually quite normal. We learned new vocabulary words and about adapt-adapt-taaaations. Tuesday on the other hand was very weird, you wanna' know why..... Because there was a HSA science test. Alas Thursday was normal. We had guidance cat class which I am scared of and research. Friday was the craziest day ever because in the first time in forever we had an field trip and it was a supercalafragelisticexpiealadosous day. In conclusion this- was-a-very-weird week-and-you-would-only-like-last-week-if-you-were-weird. - MS
(Last week)(On Friday)We did a Field trip sheet and we got this book for the stations for Pu'u'awa'awa'a . We learned that we needed to find the sheep caller with this alert thing. My favorite part from our field trip was that we had to throw the bean bag circle thing into the holes for the Alala's to eat. - AS
This weekend we went to Pu'wa'awa'a and we learn Hawaiian things and it was fun .
They give us an a cart for the National Park of Hawai'i and the United States . - EO
On Monday,we learned what green Alone are and what brown Alone are .And a green alone is a green lizzard that has a sticky thing on their foot and they help when the are trying to run away from the brown alone .On Tuesday,we learned, what a haiku poem is and i found a perfect haiku poem for my research project. On Wednesday,we learned how to do a science test and we and we had hard things and some easy things and all of them was science related. On Friday,we learned what Pu'uwa'awa'a is and and how long it was here.In conclusion we learned many things on Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,and Friday.

We did this week was vocab and we also did a science test on Tuesday and some of it was challenging and and easy.Also we went to a feild trip and it was really fun.we also did a research project and we have the gallery walk today at 1:30 and im super excited for that.My favorite part was when we did the research project because i made a first haiku poem and it was kinda hard to get right syllable for the poem.Nothing was really challenging to me because all of it was hard not challenging.In conclusion we learned and did and we also got some of my most favorite parts in this week. -KH
On Monday, we learned about our different vocabulary words for the week. Also, we practiced our Ho'olaule'a song. My favorite part of the whole day was when we went to the Computer lab because I got to revise Lilly and Gianna's Genius Hour project.
On Tuesday, we did the HSA science test on the computer. We learned about partial products.
On Wednesday, we learned about how to play baseball. In addition, we wrote a RACE about genetically modified foods.
On Thursday, I learned some interesting facts about the Hawaiian Duck. I also fixed the windbreak protecting CAT class's mai'a trees. 
On Friday, we went on a field trip to Pu'uwa'awa'a. We walked to different stations, and learned about the Pu'uwa'awa'a environment. I had a very amazing week! -AB