Blackburn, B » Posts


Mr. Blackburn is missing!

I just wanted to give you a last minute heads up that I will be absent from the classroom today. I am one of our schools representatives on the instructional leadership team (ILT). Usually once every month or so I will be out of the classroom for ILT duties. Today is one of those days and I will be meeting with other ILT members at Kealakehe middle school in Kona. I have left plans for the substitute so the class should be able to carry on just like usual. I will be back in the classroom on Friday.

Here are the spelling words for our class this week. This handout should have come home in your student's homework tablet as well. Keep this sheet at home and have your first grader practice spelling words a few minutes each day in addition to their regular homework. 
Their regular homework should be completed in their homework tablet and then turned in tomorrow morning. 
 Book Buddies!  Every Thursday we are lucky to have Mr. Matsunaga's fourth grade class come and read to our first grade class. It's a great experience for everybody!
 It's hard to believe that August is already nearly past. Incase you've misplaced your copy, here is our September snack/sharing schedule. 


 A big mahalo to all the families who showed up for open house yesterday. We had a great turnout for our class! If you were not able to make it but have questions, please feel free to email or call.

Open House

 Tomorrow is our school open house from 2-3pm. Come and have your first grader show you around her/his classroom, see what they have been up to, and have a brief visit with Mr. Blackburn. I hope to see you there!


Tomorrow is statehood day so no school! I hope your family can do something fun to enjoy the three day weekend. Monday morning is picture day for first grade. Bring those happy smiles! 

 Aloha and welcome to the 2017 school year. If you have found this blog then chances are your child is in Mr. Blackburn's first grade class this year. I love teaching first grade and am excited about the potential for my new students. I will use this blog as a vehicle for communicating important reminders, updates, and information throughout the year. Today I am attaching our class schedule to give you an idea of what the students might be doing throughout each day. This schedule is always subject to change, but it should give you a good idea about the daily happenings in room E-104. Let's have a fantastic year!
Your first grader should have brought this field trip reminder sheet home yesterday. If not, here it is. We are excited! Those that are chaperoning, please meet in our classroom by 8:05.
These are the new spelling words for the week. We have a field trip on Friday so the spelling test will happen on Thursday.
I hope you all had a nice weekend. Here are the spelling, vocabulary and high frequency words for this week.
Today we read "Bartholomew and the Oobleck" by Dr. Seuss. Naturally, we had to make our own batches of Oobleck ourselves.  A note was attached with ingredients and directions to make it yourself if you so desire. This has glue and borax detergent in it so please keep away from mouth and eyes. It is best played with on a smooth surface. I recommend getting it on any fibrous materials (carpet, clothing, couches, hair), as it may be very difficult to clean off.
Have fun!