Late update on our end of year reading challenge

Summer has been in full swing for almost 2 weeks now and I still have yet give the final results of our canoe race reading challenge.  On the last day of school, Team Stingrays and Team Wana had already finished the race leaving Team Dolphins and Team Eels still out on the race course.  I told them that if they could read enough books by the end of the day, we would still count it.  Team Stingrays and Wana volunteered to read also and donate their extra books read, to the teams still racing.  By lunchtime the class had read enough books to paddle team Dophins and Eels all the way to the finish line as well.  It was fun to see the kids come together to help each other.  So here is the total for books read in this challenge during the last week and a half or so of school: 236 books! Way to go everybody!
I want to express my gratitude for all of my students this past year.  We learned and grew a lot in first grade.  I truly appreciate each child's efforts in trying to become better at many different things in my classroom.  I also appreciate each of the parents of my students.  You play a huge a role in your child's education. A special thank you to all the parents who volunteered in the classroom and on field trips this year.  I hope you have a fantastic summer! Don't forget to read!