Welcome to First Grade!

I wanted to welcome you all to first grade this year.  If you are following this blog then I am probably your child's first grade teacher this year.  Thank you for sending your child to school and putting your trust in me to help her/him learn and grow as a student this year.  I love being a teacher, and each new year is always very exciting to welcome in a new group of learners. Today was our 9th day of school and I am loving my class.  We have been working hard on establishing and practicing procedures and routines and also getting into a rhythm in our classroom work as well.  It has been an enjoyable first couple weeks.  I look forward to helping these students learn throughout the school year.  I will try to update this blog on a fairly regular basis, but I hope you will also sign up for class dojo (some of you already have, yay!) as I seem to do a better job of communicating and posting with that.  Thank you for your participation and support of your child's education!
Mr. Blackburn