Monday, 9/25/2023

Aloha Families,

It is hard to believe we are already coming up on the final two weeks of the quarter!  I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the policies laid out in the class syllabus now that we have settled in and are well into our learning journey:

  • Adequate time in class is given for students to complete assignments each day, but if something isn’t finished in class I accept it until 11:59 pm on Google Classroom or at the beginning of the class period the following day if the assignment is a hard copy.  The expectation is that students are using class time wisely to ask questions, clarify instructions, and seek additional help.  Whatever is not finished in class will become homework.
  • Assignments are accepted up to one week after the due date for 70% of the earned credit.  This grace period is designed to provide wiggle room as we practice responsibility and grit as stated in our WEMS mission statement.
  • When a student is absent, the student is still responsible for what is missed as it is an integral component of the 8th grade standards.  Enjoy your vacations and set aside some time to check Google Classroom for the day's assignments.

Finally, students are working on writing a personal narrative as their last big assignment of the quarter.  We are walking through each step of the writing process in class; however, I understand there are some students who will be absent and not returning until after break.  For these students, I have explained that the personal narrative due date remains the same- Oct. 3, 2023.  Since the assignment will be turned in using Google Classroom, students will still be able to do the work remotely.  The personal narrative will be included in the grades for the first quarter and may not be turned in after the end of the quarter.

Thank you for supporting your student this year!