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Q2: Google Brochure: Genius Hour Projects in Google Classroom

Q2: Google Brochure: Genius Hour Projects

4th Grade Genius Hour Project: individual projects
What are you jazzed about? What revs your engines? Brainstorm a list of things that make you happy and that you'd like to learn more about to share with others.
Day one: Post a list of 5 ideas (please include your name for me) on linoit.com (link below)
Narrow your focus to one project idea- write a Big Idea question you'd like to answer in your research.

Brochures need to contain at least 1/2 text information, 1/2 visuals or graphics. Design your own creative artistic look for an amazing brochure! We will put these up around the room and share them with each other.
Use the checklist to make sure you have completed all the instructions.