Update for 7th grade assignments

I was surprised when assessing the students' content knowledge and lack of assignment completion last Friday.  It appears that many students chose not use their time wisely during class.

Every assignment is on Google Classroom, which includes the instructions, links to resources, attached documents, and the due dates. We reviewed the lessons in class when I returned from medical leave.

Students had 5 weeks to complete their building blocks; they were due before Fall Break but I allowed them time to do them over break but they were to turn them in the first day back. The guest teacher did not collect them so they ended up with an additional 2+ weeks to complete them. Upon my return, I gave them a few more days. There is no reason for those not to be finished.

They had three weeks to complete the Carbon Cycle and the Nitrogen Cycle; 2 weeks with the guest teacher as well as last week.

We have moved on to Ecosystems and Habitats; there are four activities and a small project. They should have been done with the third activity yesterday. We will start the fourth tomorrow. Again, all on Google Classroom.

If your student focuses during class and stays on-task, your should be able to complete everything during class. *If your student is behind, they will need to work at home until caught up.

If your student has questions about the assignments or anything else, they can ask during class work time or come to after school office hours on Mondays after achool.