6th Grade Assignments and Due Dates

6th Grade Assignments and Due Dates

11/7/2016  Interactive Science Notebook is DUE.  Pages being assessed for content knowledge:

  1. 42-43 Density songs (Mark text using two colors)
  2. 44 Elevator
  3. 45 Mass, Weight, volume, Density Cornell Notes (complete the summary) and Triangle.
  4. 46 Calculating volume and Density (3 pages).
  5. 47 Volume and Density Thinking Maps (color, mark text).
  6. 48 Mass vs. Volume “Box” Worksheet.
  7. 49 Density Information Posters (review content, color, and mark text).


Upcoming  Assignments:

  1. 50 Pokemon go Monster in the Real World-Due 11/9/2016
  2. 51 Pokemon go Monster Density Project Instructions (review directions and mark text).
  3. 52 Pokemon go Monster Density Project Final Project-DUE 11/14/2016.
  4. 53 Pokemon go Monster Density Project worksheet.
  5. 54 Pokemon go Monster Density Tower.